Since 2003 I have worked on a large number of projects in Eastern Europe, the MENA region, Sub Sahara Africa and South East Asia. This page shows a selection of recent projects that have been concluded and which may give an impression what kind of projects I work on.
The MATRA project Enhancing the efficiency, accountability and transparency of the Judicial Council in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020-2024 is one of the largest projects that I have been working on in terms of mandays as lead expert and project/team leader. The project achieved a number of positive outputs such as a new performance measurement approach and template, new code of conduct and reviewed and updated processes for displinary measures. These will all benefit the Judicial Council and the justice sector as a whole. Nevertheless still a lot needs to be done to enhance the justice sector as a whole. Such required changes go well beyond the 4 year horizon and available resources of the project and will need to be addressed by multiple initiatives, of which the negotiation process with the EU will remain the main driver.
Development of two result/impact models and theories of change (TOC) for two BIRD projects. The first model and TOC was developed on legal aid in a broad sense in 2021, the second on constitutional assistance in 2023. The development of such models requires a thorough analysis of the logical coherence and sequence of outcomes to accomplish change.
The development and implementation of 4 training courses of three days as a consultant for the OECD to train Tunisian central, regional and local government institutions on international standards of good governance, integrity and prevention of corruption in Tunisia. Emphasis was on the enhancement of the capacity of the coordinators of the good governance units (cellules de bonne gouvernance) inside the Tunisian government institutions.Trainings took place between August 2019 and February 2020.
Good Governance Cluster Yemen 2017-2020 (GIZ). As a technical expert, researcher and trainer for GIZ. This exciting programme in Yemen promoted good governance through constructive cooperation between state and non-state actors through concrete projects. My role was to provide technical assistance to the GIZ team in Yemen as a technical expert, researcher and trainer in the areas of good governance, anti-corruption and rule of law.
The Tunisia Integrity project 2018-2020, financed by the RVO. The project assisted the communications department of the Tunisian Anti-Corruption Commission (INLUCC) to enhance their capacity to effectively communication with the population. My role was to lead the team of international communication experts and to provide technical assistance as a trainer and technical expert. It was successful in strengthening the capacity of the communications department and the management of INLUCC, nevertheless many challenges remain to fight and prevent corruption and to increase integrity in the public administratio
The Good Governance and anti corruption project in Tunisia, August 2019-February 2020 financed by the UK and implemented by the OECD. My role in the project as a trainer and moderator was to develop and deliver 4 sets of trainings to representatives of Good Governance Units within ministries, municipalities and state enterprises between September 2019 and February 2020. More than 60 Governance Units were trained on the main concepts of good governance, planning, implementation, M&E and reporting. An example of one of the training programmes can be found here.
Training and coaching on effective advocacy of NGO CLRA in North Macedonia 2019, was financed by NUFFIC. My role was to lead the team of experts and to contribute to the development and delivery of the training with the international communications expert mr Len Middelbeek. CLRA staff demonstrated real interest to strengthen their lobbying and advocacy skills and applied what they learned in the design of a number of projects.
Kosovo,training of judges on judicial ethics, 2018: My role was to review the training on the new code of ethics and to contribute on distance to the online training. It was an interesting experience to train a group of judges in that way, as one needs to adjust how the training is presented and to ensure that participants can effectively interact with the trainer. Important element of such integrity trainings is the discussion on relevant dillemas that judges face in their everyday lives in their local context.
Evaluation of the Malian justice sector, 2013-2014. My role was to function as the co-team leader of international experts’ team that supervised two studies with a sector wide approach to evaluate the Malian justice sector and to make recommendations for its reform. Both studies were conducted in the context of transitional justice in response to the 2011 crisis, and to strengthen the longer-term capacity of the criminal justice sector. A copy of the report can be found here.
Lot 7 assignment for the EU Identification and Formulation mission for support to Justice delivery in Zambia, 2014. As technical senior expert my responsibilities included to conduct the identification and formulation missions and produce reports using the EU guidelines for project design and logical framework to strengthen justice delivery in Zambia. Missions focused on access to justice through legal aid, access to justice and human rights, but also the strengthening of the policies and practice of the criminal and civil justice sector analysing the roles of public institutions such as the judiciary, prosecution services, police force and prison services, public legal aid services, child protection and juvenile justice administration and civil society organisations.
Selection of current and past clients